Monday, 21 July 2014

Welcome to my Ecological & Sustainable project @ Orua Ora

I am working on a  returning a hectare of steep grazing land at Orua Bay on the tip of the Awhitu Peninsular in Auckland New Zealand.


  1. I am devoping a Living Tree Church, with a steel framework clad with Pittosporum walls & Tecomanthe climbing over the roof.

  2. It has become apparent that it is no longer sufficient to be just sustainable. I am now focussed on being regenerative. Orua Ora is positively changing for the better; in carbon sequestration, boidiversity, pest control, soil stability, & more native birds
    are visiting and breeding on site. Next year I am working with locals to introduce native bats to this part of the peninsula. Bats have not been recorded for decades on the peninsula, despite the habitat being suitable. Over the last 5 years Trees For Survival have supplied 4000 plants that were planted by local Highschool students. I look after these plantings and some trees are now 4m high and ground cover plants reduce the weed growth.
